Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Can Can Chicken

Okay, First sorry about this picture, it is terrible of both of us! Whoopsie...I have much better pictures but I am still learning how to scan so sorry Candra....Happy Birthday anyway! Candra is my life long friend, she is the kind that I don't have to talk to weekly, but when we get a chance to see each other it is like no time has elapsed. So....here's to Candra, 25 on 25!

25  memories of why Candra is pretty much the awesomest!!
1-She was my friend when I wore silver shoes (oh, man don't ask)
2- She and I had the best imaginations together (sometimes a little too good)
3- She is super creative and naturally artistic, I have saved silly notes and creations she has made over the years. Hilarious!
4- She was still my friend when I was obsessed with Kyle Stevens, and other boys... Oh, Kyle Falls
5- Once for lunch we ate  a cup of brown sugar with chocolate chips on top
6- She obsessed about Christmas with me from September on
7- We were the biggest chicken livers ever...we were scared of walking two blocks to each others houses. We just knew we would be kidnapped, attacked by vicious poodles, dolls that came to life and other ridiculous stuff
8- She liked me even though I wore stretch pants, like every day until 7th grade.
9- She has the funnest laugh and I always wanted to make her laugh so hard,  shhh sometimes when she laughs really hard two things happen. Shhhhh  its a secret!
10- She loved me even though I used to hide on the counter from her tiny dog, Shaboo, who hated me. 
11- We used to dress up in her older sister's clothes when they weren't home and we thought we were sooo cool and sneaky, we thought they were the coolest!
12- The old Ricks college gardens a.ka. The Secret Garden was our favorite bike ride excursion we seriously thought it was the most magical place to be
13- She moved to Florida and I thought that I would die, I spent the majority of that summer crying and lonely, writing lots of letters and crying any time one of my younger siblings would watch Fox and the Hound...."Good bye may seem forever, farewell is like the end but in my heart the memory of [Candra] would always be."  oh wow!
14- Then by a miracle she moved back for 9th grade,  Hurray!!
15- That Halloween she chose to hang out with me instead of going to the "coolest" boy/girl party of the year. My mom wouldn't let me go, so Candra stayed with me and we went tricker-treating instead. That is dedication!
16- We both felt extreme guilt while watching Greece, realizing what they were talking about we were growing up
17- We spent hours with her sisters' help getting ready for the 9th grade Christmas dance, it was BIG! And we thought we were pretty hot stuff with our huge bangs!
18- Then I moved to Logan and she was still such a faithful friend
19- I slept over at her house and woke up suddenly 16, her awesome Mom made us waffles with strawberries and ice cream for breakfast. Candra's Mom was always so thoughtful to us, she really did do a lot of special things just for us.
20- She moved to Chile but would still call me every few months just to talk
21- Candra sent me a huge package from Chile with a tape of music, the first song being "Our Song", "I'm Every Woman, take it from me. Anything you want done baby, I'll do it naturally." The sound track from, "The Bodyguard" had been our inspirational dancing music for years. Candra's parents went on a date every friday night; and every once in a while I could stay late at Candra's, okay late is a relative term...sometimes it was as late as 9:00pm. We would dance our hearts out in the basement, sometimes coaxing her poor younger brother to dance with us. 
22- We went to college and had a fun excursion up into the mountains of Island Park with her brother Aaron, and his family. We sat on a little dock at the waters edge talking, laughing, crying and then as the sun went down we scared ourselves so badly talking about sasquaches(sp?) so he had to run up the hill scarring ourselves still, until we reached the cabin. 
23- Candra helped me name my first car...Rudy Tudy Trudy a.k.a. Trudy, a faithful little Toyota Corolla wagon.
24- Candra is the sweetest, most sincere, most thoughtful and devoted friend. My heart is so grateful for so many happy memories! She is a blessing and joy to my life! I love her bunches and bunches! I spared some of the most embarrassing memories but they are some of my favorites. This summer will mark 15 years of friendship and I truly think that I wouldn't have made it through the ages 10-18 without her. She is funny, creative, joyful, has great taste in fashion, music, movies and friends. She basically rocks!!! Happy Birthday Dear friend!
25- And now during her 25th year and in mine we are sharing another wonderful experience together. We are both pregnant and due in October, I am soo excited to share the joys and sometimes not so joyful things of Pregnancy together!!! Hurray for Candra, I love you Happy Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday My dear old friend....I love you lots more than 25 memories! I hope your day was joyful!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

ABCs about me!

My darling expectant friend, Candra, tagged me so I thought I would give it a whirl!

A-Attached or single: Extremely attached!!!!!!
B- Best Friend: Scott Alan Fillmore
C-Cake or Pie: why choose? Have both!
D-Day of Choice: Sunday
E- Essential Item: water bottle and my own pillow!
F- Favorite Color: don't really have one but I do love green and pink or red tones
G- Gummi Bears or Worms: Both have significant meaning to both Scott and I! A few weeks ago I went on a short trip and was able to go to Costco and I brought back a Costco size bag of Gummie bears for Scott. He just loves gummies
H- Hometown: I have moved around so much that I don't really know. Right now home is in Idaho but really it is where ever our home is.
I- Indulgence(s): an afternoon nap on our comfy couch, a bath on cold evenings, going to bed early so that I can snuggle Scott.
J- January or July: Have you seen the winter we have been having...actually, I really like June
K-Kids: For some bizarre reason I have always wanted to own a goat.
L-Life is incomplete without: Scott and my testimony of the gospel.
M- Marriage Date: Dec. 28, 2002
N- Number of Siblings: 3 brothers, 2 sisters, 7 brothers in-law, 8 sisters-in-law
O- Oranges or Apples: Right now oranges, but I do love apples, more in the fall
P- Phobias or Fears: getting a flat tire when I am all alone, snakes, other things that i can't think of right now.
Q- Quote: Not really a quote but something that I have been thinking about and encouraging other people to do....Not to stress and worry about that which you cannot control. You cannot control so much of life, but you can control your attitude in every situation, what you choose to do next and the way that you treat yourself and others. Do what you can control, plan for the future but don't let is consume you. Live by faith, not fear!
R- Reason To Smile: Scott made breakfast this morning and tomorrow is my day off and I am going to finish reading at least one of the four books I am reading.
S- Season: Every season has its joys, but right now I am looking forward to warmth!
T- Tag Six: Diana, Rachel, Linda, or anyone who wants to
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I really like sushi
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: I like meat a lot but I enjoy certain vegetarian meals
W- Worst Habit: leaving some things to the last min. because I claim to work better under pressure. Um...in other words, procrastination...but I am working on it.
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Ultrasounds.
Y- Your Favorite Food: fresh stuff, garden veggies, cottage cheese, cold cereal, homemade everything
Z- Zippers or Zebras: Umm.....

Thursday, March 6, 2008

laughing at myself

ssheesh, I was tired last night when I wrote that blog. There are so many silly mistakes. Actually, I was probably hungry.....Dessert Book, a.k.a Deseret Book, and roll instead of role. hahhahaaa that is so funny! Wow, silly me!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tonight was our ward Relief Society Celebration! 
It was super fun, I played the roll of Eliza R. Snow.
My neighbor is an amazing pioneer time period
costume designer. I wore a huge hoop skirt,
lots of pedicoats (sp?) and bloomers! Whew!
It was so much fun, and secretly I didn't want to take it off. 
Secretly, my whole life I have wanted to be a pioneer.
I loved wearing this dress, silly, I know but it was 
so much fun!
Also, I was thinking about the Relief Society! Isn't it 
amazing that it is the largest and longest lasting
women's group in the world. Wow what an opportunity
to serve, we have!!! 
It makes me think about how often I complain about
something or think how hard it is to want to scrub
my kitchen floor. And then I think about the pioneers
who didn't even have floors! Shessh!
But also I was thinking about the amazing ability we
have to serve in the church and our communities!
If you think about it, there is no other organization
in the world where women have the opportunities
that we have. It is amazing!
Last week I went to Time Out for women, put on by
Dessert Book,  and heard Sheri Dew speak. She 
talked about as women, our sphere of influence for 
good is HUGE. She said that it was so much greater than we 
realize. Think about being a mother, who has greater 
influence over her children, think of a wife, who has
 greater influence over her husband, think about your
sisters, aunts, YW leaders, RS presidents and other 
women who have influenced your life for good. 
I am grateful for so many wonderful examples to 
follow. So for now I will just have to try to have
a pioneer spirit in our day and be grateful for 
those wonderful influences of good in my life and 
the opportunity I have to bless others. Hurray!