Tuesday, February 2, 2010

coming up for air

Have you ever felt like you were going so fast and doing so many things that you find yourself drowning? Well, the last week I decided to come up for air. We moved November, then the holidays, major renovation of our baby's room, family visiting, traveling and whew time to take a breath. Last week I realized how out of control I felt in my own world. So, I pondered about my life, being a mother, my goals, what I want the most and....now I am breathing. The new year is always such a great time to re-evaluate, renew and remake goals. It took me a few weeks after New Years to really let it set in. So, I took charge, instead of realizing my weaknesses and hiding them making up excuses, I decided to master my life. So, here we go taking charge, making my goals, and keeping them, going for it, making it happen and loving the ride. It's okay that I have weaknesses, it gives me something to work on, a mountain to climb, something to pray about, something to ask for help about and a great way to grow. 


Cassie and Mark said...

Welcome back! It sounds like you have some good goals set for the new year! I'd love to see pictures of your new house if you want to share them!

The Probert Family said...

Oh, I've missed you.

I'm glad you have had a chance to catch your breath! Next time you feel like you're drowning, let me jump in with you. We'll try to make it more fun by wearing our ricks college swim suits from the 50's and swimming past the scary window at the bottom of the pool. And playing mermaids.

Yes, I want to see pictures of your new house, too. Is it in the 'burg?