Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hurray For Today

Basically I want to say...HURRAY for a few reasons. Bare with me as a ramble...
Hurray for today because I could read and study as much as I wanted this morning because it is my day off. Hurray because of a awesome inspirational church material that is at my finger tips to read and for the inspiration to do it. Hurray for using 'Preach my Gospel' as a study guide for scripture study and that I've been able to study and read a lot about FAITH in the last few days; a subject that has been filling my soul and helping me realize what I need to do. Hurray for the continued feeling of summer and the coming of Fall. Hurray that Scott is loving teaching 9th grade math and that he is happy and fulfilled in his work (at least for the first week anyway). Hurray that I have good friends and awesome family members and a fabulous husband. Hurray that I got to grade math papers one afternoon. Hurray that even though you don't always see your prayers being answered the way you thought they should you have a feeling of peace knowing that your Father in Heaven is aware of you, your heart, your needs and desires. Hurray for my awesome younger brother who rolls with the punches! Hurray for such amazing parents and for my Mom who cooked Salmon last night for dinner. Hurray for garden veggies, visiting teaching, happy thoughts and memories, hurray for the gift of prayer, hurray for so many millions of things. So, if you made it through my thoughts hurray for you too, they might not mean any thing to you but for me today...they are my HURRAYS!


The Probert Family said...

I loved reading your hurray's. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for being such a great example of who i want to be. I'd like to be like you when I grow up.

Melanie said...

You are such a positive person. I wish you could rub some of that off on me. Miss ya

sarah said...

You are a silly, silly girl. We need to get together now that we are close.