Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

WOW Happy Mother's Day!  I can't believe how 
big I am already. Whew.. only 16 weeks.
Ok ok my sister's and I were having a little 
too much fun yesterday with some pillows. 
It was interesting having my first "real" mother's day!
It is still so surreal to me, that we are going to be 
parents, that I am going to be a Mother!
As I was thinking about it yesterday, I realized that I 
am not afraid because, I have such and amazing mother.
She sacrificed everything for us, she
gave everything and more for her children and continues
to give. She taught us how to be who we really are, to 
have testimonies, to stand for what is right, to help, share,
give, to have fun, play and work really hard. She is an angel!
I am so grateful for her love, for her friendship and that she 
will be my child's grandmother.
Also, without this hunk I wouldn't be a soon-to-be
mother! He is my everything and I am so blessed to be 
on this journey by his side. He is going to be the best Dad
in the world! Also, because of him there are some other
amazing women in my life! His mother is so awesome and
I am truly blessed to have her as one of my closest friends;
as well as his sisters and sis-in-laws! 
I have truly been surrounded by faithful women my entire life!
And I hope to live up to all that they have taught me! 

1 comment:

Wolfley Family said...

I had to laugh because I was thinking how huge you were looking for 16 weeks... you fooled me ;) That's great that you mentioned Scott - every year I always try to do something for Greg on Mother's Day because I wouldn't be a mom without him :) You look great and very happy!!!